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Our VerdictsMr. Stephen’s Jury Verdict in DuPage

July 3, 2015

Mr. Stephen defended Sarah Reynerston in a personal injury suit arising from a car accident. The presiding judge was the Honorable Dorothy French, and the case was tried from May 18 to May 20, 2015. The case arose from a rear end occurrence in a construction zone on Schick Road in Bloomingdale. The parties disputed the severity of the contact between the cars. Jennifer Baker, the adult plaintiff, had had a long history of back problems which she claimed were aggravated by the accident. Dr. Montella testified on Ms. Baker’s behalf tying $58,000 in medical bills to the accident. Rhianna Baker, a minor, presented medical bills for back injuries in the amount of $205. Ms. Reynerston contended that the Ms. Baker made a sudden stop for no reason. Dr. Tuttle also testified for Ms. Baker disputing the casual relationship of the alleged injuries to the accident. The lawyers for the Plaintiffs’ demanded $100,000 to settle and at trial asked the jury for $208,601 for the adult plaintiff and $1705 for the minor plaintiff. The jury found the adult plaintiff fifty percent at fault and returned a verdict of $557 for Ms. Baker and $255 for her child.